Nikan Moghadam
I’m a computer science and business student with a passion for entrepreneurship, software engineering and artificial intelligence. I am always eager to learn something new and to share my knowledge with as many people as possible. In my free time I love to travel the world to learn about other cultures and I’m always curious and open minded to learn something new and to widen my horizon.
iOS Cataract App for Zeiss
As part of a small student team we developed an iOS app that assists cataract patients before and after their operation. The team was self-managed and we had full autonomy over implementation and design. The project was agile (SCRUM) and lasted for 6 months. Built with: Swift, Xcode

AR Navigation for Microsoft
Designed and developed a multi-platform (iOS, Android, HoloLens) augmented reality indoor navigation for our office, incl. shared sessions. Built with: C#, .NET Core, Azure Spatial Anchors, Unity, CosmosDB

Face Detection Neural Network for OSBORNE
The Osborne project is a joint research project between my university and BMW focusing on automotive E/E architectures for autonomous vehicles. As part of my Bachelor’s Thesis I developed a real time computer vision based emotion detector for embedded devices and trained an object detection convolutional neural network in TensorFlow on a large face dataset in the cloud (Azure). Built with: Tensorflow, OpenCV, Raspberry PI, Python 3, Jupyter Notebook

Forecasting App for Amazon (AWS)
Product owner & main developer of a scalable react web app for forecasting across all regions of AWS EMEA. Built with: React, Node.js, AWS Lambda, API Gateway, CloudFront, AWS Internal Services

Cloud Migration Project for TU Invest
I initiated and planned the largest IT project in the club’s history (migration of all on-prem infrastructure to the cloud).

Learning Platform Know More
Created an online learning platform. The app supports content creators with their course creation by integrating and enhancing learning content from across the web. In addition to that the app also offers a search tool for learning content on other sites. Built with: React, Firebase, Express, MongoDB, Heroku, Azure DevOps

SAP Dashboard for MSG
Developed a project management tracker with SAP UI5 (frontend) and SAP NetWeaver (backend).

Reporting Platform for Microsoft
Designed and developed an automated reporting platform for our department (300 employees). Replaced legacy data processing pipelines and eliminated many hours of weekly manual work. Built with: Power BI, Azure SQL Database, Azure Virtual Machines

Reporting Platform for Amazon (AWS)
Developed a reporting platform for the monthly business review with 5-10x performance improvements compared to the previous tool. Built with: AWS QuickSight, Redshift, S3

Team leader and developer of an analytics platform that generates developer insights based on slack, jira and git data with machine learning https://L1-Analytics.web.app Built with: React, Firebase, Javascript, Tensorflow, Python 3, Jupyter

You can find my complete CV on LinkedIn
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